2 December, 2020
12 Hospital and Health Services (HHSs) across the State of Queensland recently went live with CostPro and IntelPlus. It’s a first for Australasia with the data hosted in the Microsoft Azure cloud.
The benefits of CostPro and IntelPlus are that each week the patient activity data is refreshed and updated in the system from data sources right across the State of Queensland. This enables close to real time patient costing for each HHS. Along with that, State-wide reporting will be enabled that gives the Department of Health in Queensland a complete picture of costs and activity from each HHS – again updated each week.
An enormous effort was made across the project to manage the impact of COVID-19, adopting virtual methods in lieu of planned on-site activities across Queensland. The shift from face-to-face training to virtual training via online videos, daily group and individual site Microsoft Teams sessions highlighted a real collaborative approach from all stakeholders and contributed significantly to the success of the project.
CBS continues to work with each HHS to finalise the costing activity for the 2020 Financial Year, while enabling consolidated State-wide reporting.
Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital - one of the many hospitals in Queensland to go live with CostPro and IntelPlus