CostPro — Arab Health 2023 — CBS - Health Costing Experts


CBS at first-ever country pavilion at Arab Health 2023

7 February, 2023

CBS was among nine companies representing New Zealand at Arab Health’s first-ever New Zealand pavilion. In partnership with New Zealand Trade and Enterprise, CBS featured at the four-day event at the Dubai World Trade Centre. The annual Health Expo typically attracts 100,000+ visitors and over 3,000 exhibitor companies. 

As reported by, the focus for this year’s Expo was ‘Innovation and Sustainability in Healthcare’. The news article describes CBS as “health costing experts … whose goal is to improve clients’ operational performance and maximise their funding and revenue opportunities”. Read the article here

CBS Chief Executive, Ross Wilson says, “Our involvement at Arab Health follows our relationship with New Zealand Trade and Enterprise as well as with healthcare organisations in the Middle East such as SEHA, the UAE’s largest hospital. We have a proven track record in the UAE with SEHA declaring our flagship product CostPro as a world-class costing system. SEHA saved 80 million Dirhams (well over USD$20 million) in the first year using CostPro. We met with a significant number of companies enhancing relationships we have made from previous visits as well as forming new relationships with prospective clients.” 

From Left: Gilbert Haddad, Alan Coburn, Ross Wilson