ACHSM Conference 2024 invites CBS Chief Executive on the Health Finances panel — CBS - Health Costing Experts

ACHSM Conference 2024 invites CBS Chief Executive on the Health Finances panel

Ross Wilson (CBS) and Stephen McKernan QSO (Advisory Partner at EY and previous Director General of Ministry of Health New Zealand & Chief Executive) were invited to participate on a panel at the ACHSM conference in Auckland last week. The Health Finances panel was chaired by Michael Palassis, General Manager at Paxon Group.

The panel discussed Value Based Care and where they perceive that to be in 5 years, the use of Activity Based Costing in Health, ways to minimise Service Cost Pressures, and how best to educate and communicate with stakeholders.

Ross was able to share insights based on his experience of working for healthcare providers over the last 30 years. He stressed the importance for health managers to have finance staff that can help in analysing performance and putting a story to the numbers that is meaningful to the stakeholders.